Tag: guides
A Simple Guide to Redirects on Neocities with Eleventy
We need more tutorials for using Eleventy outside of Netlify. Lets take a look at setting up redirects on Neocities with Eleventy.
Now page update: poster art for shows and movies
Combine multiple API calls and eleventy-fetch to enrich Trakt metadata with poster art.
Network link aggregation on Synology and Unifi
My notes on creating a bonded interface for link aggregation on a Unifi switch and Synology NAS.
Adding game cover art to my /now page
How I'm using Eleventy-Fetch and the Steam API to fetch recently played games, the games cover art and store page URL to display on my /now page.
Create A Static Site Using 11ty & Deploy to Neocities
This is a simple guide to set up a simple static site or homepage using the static site generator 11ty and deploy it to Neocities.
Running World of Warcraft on Pop!_OS Guide
These are my notes for getting World of Warcraft up and running on Pop!_OS.
Pop!_OS Setup Guide
I've recently moved from Windows to Pop!_OS. These are my notes for first time configuration to get myself up and running and refer back to later.