Tired of Running

Alert Level: Four
Day: 13

I’m not so much in the mood for writing tonight. I have a lot of thoughts and ideas running around my head for what I want to work on over the Easter break to enhance my website.

Things I want to do to the website this weekend:

  • Write the about page.
  • Construct the archive page.
  • Consolidate all the posts from my previous websites on the archive page.

Update 10/04/20: See the actual list here.

I’ve managed to find lots of early scraps of myself online using the Wayback Machine and I want to preserve them here.

At first, I sat down to try and build the archive page but decided against it. I did manage to distract myself by reading through HREFHUNT! over on kickscondor. There are some sweet gems to uncover here.

I guess reading through kicksconder the last couple of weeks have started myself thinking about websites that I used to visit often years ago and see what are still around. I’ve found a few of them and surprised to see that some have been updated as recently as a couple of years ago, that’s wild to me!

I mean, once I consolidate all the scraps that I managed to find I’ve technically been posting since 1999 off and on. Anyway, I better save all that for my new about page.

Take it easy, stay safe.

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