What's On My Steam Deck Autumn 2023

What do I have installed on my Steam Deck for Autumn 2023? How many of these games will I play, and how many will I finish?

Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning

A cover image for the game Kingdoms of Amalur
Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning | steamgriddb.com

I’ve been playing Kingdoms of Amalur for a while now. It was the first game that I installed on the Deck. I played the original back in 2012 during the launch. I didn’t make it far before I drifted back to World of Warcraft. This time while playing the remastered version on the Steam Deck, I’m a lot more engaged. It is fantastic to pick it up during the day and complete one or two quests before returning to work. A great game to enjoy on the Deck.

STAR WARS Jedi: Fallen Order

A cover image for the game STAR WARS Jedi: Fallen Order
STAR WARS Jedi: Fallen Order | steamgriddb.com

I’ve had Jedi: Fallen Order installed on my gaming rig for a couple of months now, intending to remote play through the Steam Deck to the TV downstairs. I’ve yet to manage to do that. I did install this directly on the Deck today and started playing.
I am looking forward to working through the story. The game looks good on medium settings and runs around 40 FPS.

Ryse: Son of Rome

A cover image for the game Ryse: Son of Rome
Ryse: Son of Rome | steamgriddb.com

Ryse: Son of Rome was an Xbox One launch game. I was interested in playing it then but didn’t have an Xbox. I forgot about it quickly and was excited to see that it was available on Steam. It should be a great Steam Deck game.

Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition

A cover image for the game Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition
Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition | steamgriddb.com

I completed Sleeping Dogs in 2012 and am excited to replay the definitive version in 2023 on the Steam Deck.

American Fugitive

A cover image for the game American Fugitive
American Fugitive | steamgriddb.com

I’ve had this sitting in the library for a while now. I never enjoyed playing it at the desk on my gaming PC. I’ve installed it on the Steam Deck to play through. Will I complete it? Who knows 🤷

Black Mesa

A cover image for the game Black Mesa
Black Mesa | steamgriddb.com

I played a demo of Half-Life when it was current. I got stuck in a room, didn’t know what to do, and promptly never played again. Black Mesa is a fan recreation blessed by Valve. It should be an excellent way to get some modern Half-Life on the Steam Deck.

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