Weclome to Flamed Fury 2023.

Welcome to Flamed Fury 2023. I started working on this in late December 2022 and spent a lot of time over the summer break working on it in a lovely little house on Onetangi beach.

It’s been a fun project and was enough of a challenge to keep me interested and see it through to what you see now.

When I sat down and planned what I wanted Flamed Fury to look like this year, not only in looks but in how it functions, I was still determining how I could make it work.

When I came across the starter project Eleventy Excellet by Lene Saile that looked to provide that functionality out of the box, I was excited. I got straight to work.

Two months later, after on and off development when I had pockets of focus time, I’m happy to release and share it with you all.

As with all personal homepages, it’s not 100% complete. Features are being worked on that still need to be finished. I’m excited to roll these out over the next few weeks.

Thank you, web surfers, for visiting, and if you like or don’t like what you see, don’t hesitate to drop me an email or sign my guestbook.

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