The Secrets of Azeroth

The Secrets of Azeroth in-game World of Warcraft world event ran from 31 August - 13 September 2023.

I have only just finished it today, on the 16 September 2023. I was able to complete the event and collect the rewards. I missed out on the Feat of Strength achievement that was only available for completing it during the time.

I spent four hours on Thursday and another hour tonight finishing it up.

At first, I was happy to collect the clues and figure them out as the game let you. After a while, this became tedious, and I resorted to using the guides posted on Wowhead. It took a decent amount of time to complete, even following the guides. I still found following the story enjoyable.

There were 15 secrets to uncover and solve as part of the story. Once completed I got the Whodunnit? achievement that rewards the mount Pattie and the title Honorary Preservationist.

Even though I missed out on the time bound feat of strength, I’m not mad. Yeah, it would have been great to get the feat of strength achievement, but my life just isn’t set up for that type of gameplay these days.

This event, and everything else being added to Azeroth recently, has been overwhelming but also fantastic, as the game always has something new to do. I’m looking forward to checking out whatever else comes out next.

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