Please Pick A Side Or Run From Your Boy

Alert Level: Four
Day: 8

Changing up the post titles so that the page is not a stream of Covid-19, lol.

I’m still enjoying the extended working from home. Sometimes being able to take a timeout while having to deal with a difficult or challenging situation is a lot easier when you can easily get up and move away from the computer.

I spent a lot of time thinking about Cities: Skylines today and couldn’t wait to jump on and try out some new ideas I got from watching a few videos. The problem I get myself in is that I seem to grow the city way too quickly and it sprawls hard. I can’t wait until I can get going in building a nice looking city.

Looking forward to catching up on some media this weekend. I’m halfway through Ozark season 2, keeping up to date with Dave and just saw that Bad Boys 3 was available.

Music wise, I’ve been listening to LULU by Conway the Machine & The Alchemist, you can catch it on my This Is: Grielda Records playlist on Spotify. The first single was the inspiration for this post’s title. I’ve read a few comments where some people are tired of hearing Conway rap about the same themes. I can’t get enough of it, don’t change it up. Check out this sweet interview over on DJBooth.

Stay safe, stay clean, stay strong.

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