Own Your Web: What’s in a Name?

Matthias Ott’s latest newsletter, “Own Your Web”, has got many of us thinking about a simple yet intriguing question: “What’s the story behind your website’s URL?” Michelle gave her take in her blog post “Owning Your Web”, and now it’s my turn to share my thoughts.

I previously responded briefly on Mastodon, but now, I’d like to dig a little deeper on my own website, flamedfury.com, which has been with me for over two decades. It has gone through several transformations, reflecting different phases of my life.

The name ‘Flamed Fury’ came about during my teenage years when I was creating a website to collect magazine scans. Some were my scans, and some were sourced from IRC. The name itself doesn’t carry much meaning; it’s essentially a combination of ‘Fury’ and my IRC handle back then, ‘fLaMEd.’ Upon reflecting on this, I started writing out the history of Flamed Fury as I remembered it, and you can follow along on my new Website History page.

Interestingly, most people seem to choose their first and last names as their domain names, connecting their online presence with their real-life identity. I, on the other hand, prefer to keep my online and work life separate. My website has no bearing on my career, and I have no need to use it for self-promotion.

I’m content with my unconventional domain name and have no intention of switching to a more conventional, real-name URL. I agree with Michelle and Matthias that:

People will visit your site for what you publish on it, not because you have the most sophisticated URL on the internet.

I hope my website’s content speaks for itself, and I trust that the domain name won’t deter visitors. In recent years, I’ve been sharing content that I hope others find interesting.

In today’s digital landscape, I’m considering becoming more involved in the communities and websites I enjoy. The real value of owning your web lies in the connections and conversations we foster in this vast online world.

So, what’s the backstory of your domain? What led you to choose your unique web address? I’d love to hear your own experiences and thoughts. Let’s keep the conversation going.

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