My Podcast Rotation: Keeping It at Four

I recently read Four Podcasts Maximum on Brain Baking where they mentioned:

Four Podcasts is my upper limit—that’s the remark of a friend while discussing the overabundance of podcasts in the last few years.

This idea resonated with me since it aligns with the number of podcasts I currently follow and manage to keep up with. Four is the sweet spot, letting me stay updated with new episodes while enjoying audiobooks and music.

They referred to a 2018 post, What I listen to, which mirrored my own podcast-listening routine. Podcasts blend seamlessly into my day, whether I’m driving (sans family, that’s reserved for music), walking my dogs, cooking, working in the garden or doing other household chores. However, when focusing on work, I can’t concentrate on listening to podcasts or books.

How I listen to podcasts is quite standard. I rely on the default Podcasts app on my iPhone paired with my reliable AirPods. I prefer listening at normal (1x) speed and find it enjoyable. However, I’m yet to figure out a reliable way to sync podcasts to my watch, allowing me to leave the phone at home during walks."

That leaves the main question from Brain Baking:

How many podcasts do you actively listen to?

At the time of drafting this post, my lineup includes:

  • The Real Pod: A local Aotearoa pop-culture deep dive. I particularly enjoy their “Remember When” episodes, exploring classic moments from Aotearoa’s past. Weekly
  • Rebel FM: My go-to for gaming insights, even for games I might not get to play. Weekly
  • Darknet Diaries: A captivating show delving into the wild world of Internet events and happenings. Monthly
  • Shop Talk: Chris & Dave’s weekly rendezvous on website-making and web development. Weekly.

However, since I began crafting this post, The Real Pod announced their final episode, marking the end of their eight-year run.

This leaves me on the hunt for a new addition to my podcast lineup. If you have any favourite shows, I’d love your recommendations as I look to fill that fourth slot in my ‘Four Podcasts Maximum’ rule. Feel free to share your top picks!

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