Monthly Recap: January 2024

Hello web surfers, I can’t believe January is already behind us.

I did less writing than I wanted this month. A few posts that I had drafted will transfer over to February and hopefully get finished. Most of that is due to family holidays and enjoying life outside with my friends.

  • What A Weekend: I got out and about with some good friends and enjoyed some live music.
  • Summer Days On The Beach: Developed over four years, this post has evolved from notes hastily penned during my peaceful moments at the bach each summer. It’s a contribution to the 32-Bit Cafe Holidays 2023 Event, delving into our precious holiday traditions.
  • An Easy Web: I jumped into some discourse on Mastodon, where people had started talking about the barrier to entry for creating websites. Every post was aimed at developers! I point out that the web needs to be more accessible for everyone to build personal websites, not just blogs!
  • A Simple Guide to Redirects on Neocities with Eleventy: Moving back to Neocities presented challenges with features that came for free with Netlify. There needs to be Eleventy tutorials for platforms outside of Netlify; this upsets me.
  • Dragonflight Season Three Recap: A great way to wrap up the end of Season 3 with my guild.

I’ve been agonising about being reliant on venture capital-funded services recently. This has kicked off a move back to Neocities. I’ve got a lot of thoughts about this that will make an excellent post in the future.

I realised part way through the month that my contact form using Riku Forms wasn’t doing what I wanted as Riku isn’t an email form 😂 I’ve switched over to a form that will email me if you use it while I work on getting my own setup. I have an excellent idea for Riku in the works. I’ll share it as soon as it’s ready.

I didn’t get through my backlog of bookmarks this month. Out of the ones I did bookmark, these were both fun reads:

  • The State of the Independent Web 2022: Updated 2024 by Brad details changes across the independent web since 2022; Directories, search engines, blogrolls, links pages, RSS and static web hosting. Overall, the independent web is healthy. The one that stood out to me was hosted services. Think polls, guestbooks, and contact forms that got me thinking about what we could do in this space?
  • Remembering the early 00s teen website scene by Localghost takes a trip down memory lane to an era of the web that I thought was much cooler than the Geocities era before and definitely cooler than the MySpace era that came after it.

I hope you have a great February. I’ll chat with you all next month.

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