Monthly Recap: February 2024

Hello web surfers, where did February go? We’re right into March already, so I’m a bit late with this post.

I spoke about writing less last month, and I’ve outdone myself during February with only two posts! Don’t worry, there’s a good reason for that.

Anyway, I was busy behind the scenes working on the website itself. With the recent release of Eleventy-Excellent 2.0, I took the time to rehaul the entire backend; converting everything was slow. The great thing was that many of the additions I’d hacked in over the past year are now part of Eleventy Excellent.

I still have a few more improvements to make; we’ll see how that goes.

Also, me and the 32-Bit mod team—xandra, Yequari, Key, Jay, and Kaylee—launched the new 32-Bit Cafe Forums to great response. We’ve had 150 members sign up, and there are heaps of great discussions happening already. Come join us if you’re into website building for fun.

Catch you all next month, laters.

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