Lockdown Extended

Alert Level: Four
Day: 25

Sounds like we’ve been doing well with stopping the spread of Covid-19. Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has announced the level 4 lockdown will be extended five days to 11.59pm on Monday 27 April. Once we drop to level 3, we will remain there for 2 weeks before the next review.

I’m happy to see that certain businesses will be able to start preparing to operate again.

While I’ve come to terms with the lockdown and working remotely I’m not sure how prepared mentally I am at the thought of eventually commuting to work again. As much as I like catching the train. Being surrounded by a bunch of people who probably don’t want to be surrounded by a bunch of people either isn’t very appealing to me right now.

Having the freedom to step away from the work computer to put on a load of laundry or empty the dishwasher has been great. Having more time with my wife is awesome and being able to spend more time with the 🐩’s has been great!

I’m excited at the thought of some restaurants and take out joints re-opening. I do miss the option of choosing not to cook at night. I do enjoy cooking, and being able to cook lunch fresh has been amazing.

I have a mad craving for Maccas, along with our local Dirty Burger. Exciting times.

Will be interesting to see how we deal with the borders and travel in general. I was looking forward to a long weekend in Fiji at the end of the year, not so sure that will eventuate anymore.

Stay safe, stay clean!

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