Hide the Cookware in the Kitchen Cabinet

Alert Level: Four
Day: 28

I think that I’m currently at the acceptance stage of this global situation. The news that we’re moving to Alert Level 3 and the comments that it’s just Alert Level 4 with KFC is hilarious to me.

Seriously, I can’t wait to order some takeout.

The situation at my place isn’t going to change much. We’re going to be working from home for the next n months, even if we dip into Alert Level 2.

I’m eyeing up a 34" ultra-wide for the desk.

I really didn’t anticipate that when I started weblogging again that it would be completely consumed by Covid-19 related stuff, but that’s just the way that the world turns.

I’ve taken the day off work tomorrow to have a long weekend. I have a few things that I want to work on for the website that I’ve just not been able to focus on the last couple of weeks.

I’m both physically and mentally exhausted. It shouldn’t be this way.

Take care.

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