Book Report - A Long Way Down

I picked this book up the other week while in Borders looking for a different title, which was not in stock. There was quite a selection of books by this dude, who wrote About A Boy [before it was a movie] on the shelves, so had a flick through them and decided on this one.

The story begins on New Years Eve [year unknown] on top of a fifteen story building in London, where we are introduced to the four main characters. Four people of different ages, with different backgrounds, and different reasons why they want to jump from the top! As they discover that they are not alone up here on the roof, they end up consoling each other as to why they should not be up here contemplating suicide. From here they set off back down the roof, having convinced themselves that each of them jumping is not the answer, with their mind set on other matters an unruly type of gang is formed and we follow them over the next few months of their lives through the events after the initial night.

Narrated in parts by each of the characters, in their own style to fit their personality, gives great insight into learning about the characters in ways where you are able to see throughout the events how each felt about events and of each other.

I haven’t quite finished reading the book yet. Give me a couple more days. So I wont get into concluding the book, you can find that out for yourself if you wish, most book retailers will have a copy in stock. It’s a good read, comical elements on a morbid subject, the writing style is fresh [in my eyes anyway] it all adds up. Not an overly long read, but great none the less. Guess I just kind of concluded it didn’t I?

Disclaimer: I will work on my writing, to a more readable, less muddled style 😉

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