Alert Level 3 Day 1 in Review

Alert Level: Three
Day: 34

I have no idea whether this is day 34 or 35 of the lockdown but I’m sticking with 34.

We played around with the idea of takeaways yesterday but decided against as we had food to cook at home.

Hah, seems like we were the only household that didn’t rush out and spend all day in lines 😂

A a bunch of cars that are sitting in the street
Kiwis frothing for Maccas Eastgate, Christchurch - ALDEN WILLIAMS/STUFF
More cars that are sitting in the street
Kiwis frothing for KFC in Christchurch- ALDEN WILLIAMS/STUFF
A parking lot with cars parked in it
Kiwis getting their Maccas fix in Napier - John Cowpland / Alphapix
An aerial view of a parking lot with cars parked in it
KFC Hamilton awwww yeah - STUFF
A McDonald's drive thru sign in front of a McDonald's
A McDonald's car park filled with lots of traffic
Maccas Quay St Auckland - STUFF

I didn’t realise how hungry everyone was!

As much as I’d love a Quarter Pounder and McChicken with fries from Maccas, it can wait 😂

Damn. Stay safe, stay sane!

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